Friday, August 12, 2016

Training Log (20)


10 x 135 lbs
10 x 185
5 x 225
1 x 315

Pendlay Rows
10 x 85 lbs
10 x 85
10 x 85
10 x 85
10 x 85

Pull Ups
5 x BW
5 x BW
5 x BW

Lat Pulldowns
10 x 130 lbs
10 x 130
10 x 115
10 x 115
10 x 115
10 x 115
10 x 100
10 x 100
10 x 100

12 x 30 lbs
12 x 30 (hammers)
12 x 30
12 x 30 (hammers)



Tried to fit in a lot of work in a shorter workout. Deadlift PR - 3 plates is far from great, or even decent, but it's progress from having neglected it for so long.

Woke up at 171.7. Strength is still on the climb, weight isn't moving nearly at all (or dropping, if anything.) Really makes me question the bulking/cutting mentality.


  1. It is always good to question,especially the bulking/cutting thinking. Be careful out there!


  2. Good Morning John, Have a blessed week. We are proud of you Love, Mom
