Thursday, July 21, 2016

Training Log (2)

Cardio day


5:30 a.m. - 6:10 a.m.


1 mile @ speed: 6, incline: 2

1 mile @ speed: 5, incline: 4

.5 mile @ speed: 4, no incline

Loaded Carry

50 lbs, 1 minute @ speed: 4, no incline

(superset) incline 1 minute @ speed: 3, incline: 6

50 lbs, 1 minute @ speed: 4, no incline

(superset) incline 1 minute @ speed: 3, incline: 6

50 lbs, 1 minute @ speed: 4, no incline

(superset) incline 1 minute @ speed: 3, incline: 6

50 lbs, 1 minute @ speed: 4, no incline



Not a great showing, but this is here to document, not to highlight. Just have a lot of conditioning work to do. It'll come in time.

Surprisingly, my knees are great today. It was my lower back that started getting achy, which is what slowed me down (we'll blame the 10:11 mile on that.) I'm pretty worn out, which feels good. Those carries can be killer.

Woke up at 173.6.